Golden car dealership agrees to pay $935K after discriminating against women

DENVER A Golden car dealership has agreed to pay $935,000 to women it failed to hire or promote after it was sued last year by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission for discriminatory hiring practices.

DENVER — A Golden car dealership has agreed to pay $935,000 to women it failed to hire or promote after it was sued last year by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission for discriminatory hiring practices.

Christopher’s Dodge Ram, also known as Chris the Crazy Trader, Inc., agreed to conciliation after it was sued over claims it violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Title I of the Civil Rights Act of 1991 by not hiring women for sales positions, managers making sexual and racial comments toward employees, and retaliating after employees filed complaints.

The EEOC filed the lawsuit a year after it sent the company a letter saying it believed the dealership was violating Title VII and the two sides failed to conciliate the claims.

The lawsuit centered around a woman who claimed she was sexually harassed on multiple occasions during her employment at the dealership who also claimed she was fired because she was a woman.

Several other women also claimed they were harassed several times by managers at the dealership. The suit claimed the general manager at Christopher’s Dodge Ram told one woman a year after she was hired that he would not hire another woman and that she could not apply for a position as a finance manager because “women are too much drama.”

Workers of color were also subject to racial slurs. Employees said on several occasions that they filed complaints with human resources and were subsequently fired.

The EEOC said Thursday it had determined the dealership “did not hire females for sales positions and did not keep records” and violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

The EEOC said women affected by the discrimination could be entitled to a share of the $935,000 the company has agreed to pay.

Christopher Dodge Ram has also agreed to increase female representation, hire an independent monitor, change its hiring and recordkeeping practices, provide EEO training to all employees, and post a notice in its lobby “that informs customers of their commitment to creating a workplace free from discrimination,” the EEOC said.

Any women who applied at the dealership between Jan. 1, 2012, and June 14, 2022 could potentially be eligible for compensation in the conciliation agreement.

Anyone who wishes to file a claim for potential compensation should contact:

Christopher’s Dodge Ram Claims Administrator
c/o Rust Consulting Inc – 7679
PO Box 2396
Faribault, MN 55021-9096
[email protected]

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