Bret Michaels and Pamela Anderson only dated for eight months, yet a risqué aspect of their relationship sparked major controversy two years later. While together, the couple had filmed a sex tape that was solely meant for their own private viewing. However, in 1996, the video managed to get into the hands of the Internet Entertainment Group, which wanted to sell it online, and Michaels was quite alarmed. The singer told MTV News, “It makes no sense to me. I cannot figure out. I have the original copy. I have it. No one’s ever touched it. No one’s ever gotten to it. I have it, period, end of story, and it’s never gone out, so I’m anxious to find out who gave them this tape or a copy of this tape and now they’re forced to disclose it.”
Against accusations that the Poison frontman was just seeking more money, Michaels was adamant that he not only made nothing from the tape but had spent nearly $100,000 to keep it private. On “Behind the Music,” he explained, “If I wanted publicity for a porno tape, right, I’d sell the thing. On my website, I’d say, ‘Come to BretMichaels.com. Here it is.’ I wouldn’t give anyone a cut of it, except for me. I’m selling it for $64, here it is.” Eventually, he was deeply angered to discover that a former security guard he employed had stolen the tape and attempted to sell it.