Twitter users mercilessly mock off-key rendition of the national anthem performed at CPAC

Plenty of noteworthy moments came out of the Conservative Political Action Conference in Florida this weekend, but one of social medias most buzzed-about videos features not a politician or pundit but a Republican college student singing the national anthem.

Plenty of noteworthy moments came out of the Conservative Political Action Conference in Florida this weekend, but one of social media’s most buzzed-about videos features not a politician or pundit but a Republican college student singing the national anthem.

Sailor Sabol, a University of Central Florida freshman and a member of the school’s College Republican group, won the honor of performing The Star-Spangled Banner at the start of CPAC this weekend — but the reaction to her two minutes on stage has been less than favorable.

Viewers have taken to YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook to mock the shaky performance, calling it ‘horrendous,’ ‘off-key, and ‘tone-deaf.’

Viral! Social media users are mocking the performance of the National Anthem at CPAC this weekend

Viral! Social media users are mocking the performance of the National Anthem at CPAC this weekend

Viral! Social media users are mocking the performance of the National Anthem at CPAC this weekend

Sailor Sabol, a University of Central Florida freshman and a member of the school's College Republican groups, won the honor of performing The Star-Spangled Banner

Sailor Sabol, a University of Central Florida freshman and a member of the school's College Republican groups, won the honor of performing The Star-Spangled Banner

Plenty of noteworthy moments came out of the Conservative Political Action Conference in Florida this weekend

Plenty of noteworthy moments came out of the Conservative Political Action Conference in Florida this weekend

Spotlight: Sailor Sabol, a University of Central Florida freshman and a member of the school’s College Republican groups, won the honor of performing The Star-Spangled Banner

Oh no! Commenters have pointed out that Sabol, who sang the song a capella, started off well enough, but soon enough was changing keys several times

Oh no! Commenters have pointed out that Sabol, who sang the song a capella, started off well enough, but soon enough was changing keys several times

Oh no! Commenters have pointed out that Sabol, who sang the song a capella, started off well enough, but soon enough was changing keys several times

Commenters have pointed out that Sabol, who sang the song a capella, started off well enough, but soon enough was changing keys several times.

‘I consider myself somewhat of a connoisseur of bad national anthem performances. This one has it all: inexplicable key changes, devastatingly flat notes, dogshit rhythm, strained holds, and confusion between “or” and “o’er”. Whose niece is this?’ wrote one critic. 

‘Very few things in this world makes me cringe more than someone singing the National Anthem poorly. Ooof,’ wrote another.

‘Overheard: The national anthem was painfully off key at CPAC, but no one there noticed because the GOP is notoriously tone deaf,’ tweeted George Takei.

Others called it ‘seizure inducing,’ a ‘dumpster fire,’ and ‘the hottest mess I’ve experienced in a long time.’ 

Yikes! Viewers have taken to YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook to mock the shaky performance, calling it 'horrendous,' 'off-key, and 'tone-deaf'

Yikes! Viewers have taken to YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook to mock the shaky performance, calling it 'horrendous,' 'off-key, and 'tone-deaf'

Yikes! Viewers have taken to YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook to mock the shaky performance, calling it ‘horrendous,’ ‘off-key, and ‘tone-deaf’

‘To the CPAC National Anthem Talent Selection Committee: What? Was Roseanne Barr already booked?’ asked another, referencing Roseanne’s infamous 1990 performance at an NFL game. 

‘I played this and my cats started fighting and my dog tried to kill herself. Give a brother a warning,’ said another, while one more quipped: ‘That’s more key changes then an ex-wife with a restraining order.’

George Conway chimed is, as did countless commenters who joked that the song was sung ‘in the key of Q.’

‘It’s weird that she tried all of the keys but none of them were correct,’ snarked yet another.

‘Oh my..quite the star-mangled-banner this,’ lamented one more. To be fair they do the same when the render the constitution, democracy, voting…mangle it.  

Mocked: George Conway chimed is, as did countless commenters who joked that the song was sung 'in the key of Q'

Mocked: George Conway chimed is, as did countless commenters who joked that the song was sung 'in the key of Q'

Mocked: George Conway chimed is, as did countless commenters who joked that the song was sung ‘in the key of Q’

Some speculated that nepotism was at play, with one writing: ‘What hell did I just see? Somebody’s daddy must have donated a lot of money to have his daughter up there!’

On YouTube, one commenter added: ‘That anthem was so bad, even Colin Kaepernick got off his knee and left.’

‘She was perfectly in tune. We may never know who with, but she was in tune,’ said yet another.

‘This is what happens when you defund the arts,’ noted one more. 

Others compared her to Florence Foster Jenkins and said it seemed to send the message that ‘all keys matter.’ 

Source: | This article originally belongs to

